

This is a foundation course where we use a conversational and non-technical way to introduce the introductory skills that you will need to develop in order to become comfortable with accessing and using computer programs and other gadgets.

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Professional Courses

Professional courses during or after graduation leads you to become expert in the field you are interested. These kind of courses helps you to improve the knowledge and expertise in the interested field and prepare you in meeting the demand of the market with industry required skills.

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Programming Languages

A programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a software program. Languages that programmers use to write code are called “high-level languages.” This code can be compiled into a “low-level language,” which is recognized directly by the computer hardware.

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Career Counseling & Campus Recruitment

This program is updated on a regular basis to keep pace with the changes in the recruitment procedures adopted by various companies at campuses. The participants will be trained thoroughly in the following areas.

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